Interesting Traces - unaware NAT filter

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The following shows what happens when your NAT device is not aware of applications that embed IP addresses in their data. In this case FTP. The result is that the client can connect to the FTP server but once connected all requests fail, until the client goes into passive mode.

I am not sure what application was used to capture this trace. I removed a lot of the text, leaving just enough to point out the problem. The trace was obviously taken on the outside of the NAT device (or else we would not see a problem).

Packets 1 thru 4 show the connection to the FTP server. I've deleted the login packets. Note that client's IP address is,. However, in packet 12 the PORT command contains an IP address of The FTP protocol does allow the port command to conatin an IP address that is different from the client. but in this case we recognize the address as the clients true source address, i.e. the address on the inside of the NAT device. Most NAT devices are smart enough to modify the FTP PORT command to reflect the outside address. I have no idea why this device did not.

We don't see the server actually trying to make the connection to the inside address. Based on the time difference (74 seconds) between the "150 Opening ACSII..." message in packet 16 and the "425 Can't open data..." message in packet 18 I suspect that the connection request went out either a different interface so the analyzer didn't see it or the analyzer was filtering on just the outside address.

Packet 1:  Time:  13h:18m 39.859 336s,  Diff. time: 0.000000
 IP: ->
 TCP  SYN,   [59773]  -> [21] 

Packet 2:  Time:  13h:18m 39.935 399s,  Diff. time: 0.076063
IP: ->
TCP  SYN ACK,   [21]  -> [59773] 

Packet 3:  Time:  13h:18m 39.936 993s,  Diff. time: 0.001594
IP: ->
TCP  ACK,   [59773]  -> [21] 

Packet 4:  Time:  13h:18m 40.034 305s,  Diff. time: 0.097312
IP: ->
TCP  PSH ACK,   [21]  -> [59773] 
    0000  32 32 30 20 46 54 50 20  53 65 72 76 65 72 20 52    220 FTP Server R
    0010  65 61 64 79 2E 0D 0A                                eady...         

. . . .

Packet 12:  Time:  13h:19m 10.649 504s,  Diff. time: 16.826910
IP: ->
TCP  PSH ACK,   [59773]  -> [21] 
    0000  50 4F 52 54 20 31 30 2C  31 34 32 2C 32 31 31 2C    PORT 10,132,211,
    0010  36 34 2C 32 33 33 2C 31  32 38 0D 0A                64,233,128..    

Packet 13:  Time:  13h:19m 10.726 273s,  Diff. time: 0.076769
IP: ->
TCP  PSH ACK,   [21]  -> [59773] 
    0000  32 30 30 20 50 4F 52 54  20 63 6F 6D 6D 61 6E 64    200 PORT command
    0010  20 73 75 63 63 65 73 73  66 75 6C 2E 0D 0A           successful...  

Packet 14:  Time:  13h:19m 10.731 039s,  Diff. time: 0.004766
IP: ->
TCP  PSH ACK,   [59773]  -> [21] 
    0000  52 45 54 52 20 XX XX XX  XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX    RETR XXXXXXXXXXX
    0010  XX XX XX XX XX XX 0D 0A                             XXXXXX..        

Packet 15:  Time:  13h:19m 10.923 854s,  Diff. time: 0.192815
IP: ->
TCP  ACK,   [21]  -> [59773] 

Packet 16:  Time:  13h:19m 10.925 642s,  Diff. time: 0.001788
IP: ->
TCP  PSH ACK,   [21]  -> [59773] 
    0000  31 35 30 20 4F 70 65 6E  69 6E 67 20 41 53 43 49    150 Opening ASCI
    0010  49 20 4D 6F 64 65 20 44  61 74 61 20 43 6F 6E 6E    I Mode Data Conn
    0020  65 63 74 69 6F 6E 2E 0D  0A                         ection...       

Packet 17:  Time:  13h:19m 10.965 660s,  Diff. time: 0.040018
IP: ->
TCP  ACK,   [59773]  -> [21] 

Packet 18:  Time:  13h:20m 25.439 824s,  Diff. time: 74.474164
IP: ->
TCP  PSH ACK,   [21]  -> [59773] 
    0000  34 32 35 20 43 61 6E 27  74 20 6F 70 65 6E 20 64    425 Can't open d
    0010  61 74 61 20 63 6F 6E 6E  65 63 74 69 6F 6E 3B 20    ata connection; 
    0020  63 68 65 63 6B 20 63 6C  69 65 6E 74 20 66 69 72    check client fir
    0030  65 77 61 6C 6C 2F 72 6F  75 74 65 72 20 63 6F 6E    ewall/router con
    0040  66 69 67 2E 0D 0A                                   fig...          

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This page was last modified on 04-09-06
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