Command Macro to dump the TCB and socket meters for all sockets associated with a process (or processes)

Blue Bar separator



This macro will dump the TCB and socket meters for all sockets associated with a process or processes

Display Form

----------------------------- get_process_sockets ----------------------------  
 -meters:  yes                                            
 -tcb:     yes 
 -process: 0             


match STRING
This is the string that identifies the process. It can be a process name, a user name, anything that can be matched to the output of the analyze_system who request. If more than 1 process is matched, all processes are processed in process number order. This parameter is optional but if not provided a process number using the -process argument must be provided. You cannot provide a match string and a process number.

-meters YES/NO, default yes
If yes then the socket meters for any associated sockets is displayed.

-tcb YES/NO, default yes
If set to yes then the TCB for any associated sockets is displayed.

-process NUMBER
A process number. This parameter is optional but if not provided a match string must be provided. You cannot provide a process number and a match string.


Basically the macro will call the following analyze_system requests
  1. If a match string is provided, "match STRING: who". If a process number is provided this step is skipped
  2. For each process matched (or the process identified by process number)
  3. list_port_attachments and identify all portes associated with a #stcp.* path
  4. dump each porte and extract the TCB address
  5. stcp_meters TCB_ADDRESS
  6. dump_onetcb TCB_ADDRESS
Output is written to standard output. In most cases it is probably best if this macro is run as a started process so that output goes to a file (see example 1).


This first example demonstrates running the macro as a started process and matching on the sshd process. Notice that the output file is 20 blocks long.

start_process 'get_process_sockets sshd' -output_path gps_sshd.(date).(time).out
+ -privileged
ready  15:21:55
ls gps*

Files: 1, Blocks: 20

w         20  gps_sshd.09-11-27.15:21:55.out
example 1

This second example shows the process and porte information that is displayed. I've suppressed the meters and TCB data with -no_meters and -no_tcb. Note that two processes were found, processes 70 and 168. Process 70 has 5 sockets associated with it while process 168 has only 1 socket.

get_process_sockets sshd -no_meters -no_tcb                                     
OpenVOS Release 17.0.1bm, analyze_system Release 17.0.1bm
Current process is 169, ptep 97E16A80, Noah_Davids.CAC
as:  as:
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 70, ptep 97C4A2C0, root.root (sshd)
as:  as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 6 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_43
as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 7 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_44
as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 8 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_45
as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 11 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_46
as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 12 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_47
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 168, ptep 97E4D680, root.root (sshd)
as:  as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 10 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_65
as:  ready  16:38:02
example 2

This third example shows the meters and TCB output. I have deleted most of the TCB output to keep the example manageable. It also shows using the -process argument to select a specific process.

get_process_sockets -process 168                                                
OpenVOS Release 17.0.1bm, analyze_system Release 17.0.1bm
Current process is 169, ptep 97E16A80, Noah_Davids.CAC
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 168, ptep 97E4D680, root.root (sshd)
as:  as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 10 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_65
stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                0:07:49       09-11-29 16:45:26
  STCP Version 4 loaded 09-11-25 17:03:26 TCB @97E45C40 09-11-29 16:37:37
  Metering time:      0:07:49

   segments received                            90 (avg 0.1918/sec)
     total bytes                              5303 (avg 11.30/sec)
       using fast mode                        5303 (100% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received               0 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received                  0 (0% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                       0 (0% of segments rcvd)
       seqno before expected                     0 (0% of out of order)
       seqno after expected                      0 (0% of out of order)
       segment outside window                    0 (0% of segments rcvd)
     fast path                                  90 (100% of segments rcvd)
       urgent data                               0 (0% of fast path)
     slow path                                   0 (0% of segments rcvd)
       urgent data                               0 (0% of slow path)
       overlap occurred                          0 (0% of slow path)
       backlap occurred                          0 (0% of slow path)
     window < max when received                  0 (0% of segments rcvd)
     window set zero after receive               0 (0% of segments rcvd)
     duplicate acks received                     1
   segments sent                               200 (avg 0.4264/sec)
     total bytes                             13198 (avg 28.14/sec)
       using fast mode                       13198 (100% of total bytes)
     retransmissions                             2 (1.0% of segments sent)
     probes sent                                 0 (avg 0/sec)
     keep_alives sent                            0 (avg 0/sec)
     explicit acks sent                          0 (avg 0/sec)
       due to > 1 segment unacked                0 (0% of explicit acks)
       due to window size increase               0 (0% of explicit acks)
       due to nonzero window size                0 (0% of explicit acks)
     timer acks sent                            32 (avg 0.0682/sec)
     duplicate acks sent                         0
   read service rtn executed                    92 (avg 0.1961/sec)
     data pending                                0 (0% of read srv calls)
       all pending beyond seqno                  0 (0% of data pending)
     queue empty                                 0 (0% of read srv calls)
     flow ctl before processing q                0 (0% of read srv calls)
     flow ctl after processing q                 0 (0% of read srv calls)
   bufdat executed                               0 (avg 0/sec)
     window set to max                           0 (0% of bufdat calls)
   allocation failures                           0
   recv seqn                              FD918932 (FD918902 last acked)
   recv window size                           8192 (8192 max)
   send seqn                              D3B754F1
   send window size                          15184 (16384 max)
   send bytes pending                         1424

as:  STCP_version 4
     tcbstructure at               97E45C40
*************** STCP TCB @ 97E45C40                                ************

     flink                         97E45940
     plink                         97E46540
     tcb_qptr                      97DD8A00
     tcb_state flag                TS_ESTAB
     state                         00000607
     dev                           79
     work                          00000208
     tickid                        0
     opt_flag                      37
     laddr                         A4984D80
     lport                         22
     fport                         8115
     faddr                         A4984D32
     ir_seq                        4254168186
     rcvseq                        4254173634
     rcvws                         8192
     maxrcvws                      8192
     finseq                        0
     rcvuseq                       0
     is_seq                        3551995634
     sndseq                        3552013009
     lweseq                        3552011809
     sndws                         15376
     maxsndws                      16384
     sndmax                        16384
     sndbr                         0
     sndcnt                        1200
     sndseg                        1460
     snduseq                       0
     snd_cwnd                      13217
     snd_ssthresh                  2920
     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

example 3

Besides process names you can match on user names. In this case the user name is noah_test and it has 1 socket attached. In the interests of shorting the example output I have suppressed the meters and TCB data.

get_process_sockets noah_test -no_meters -no_tcb                                
OpenVOS Release 17.0.1bm, analyze_system Release 17.0.1bm
Current process is 169, ptep 97E16A80, Noah_Davids.CAC
as:  as:
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 170, ptep 97C6E300, noah_test.CAC
as:  as:  as:  as:
as:  ==================================================
as:  ==================================================
as:  PORTE number 6 Pathname:            %phx_vos#stcp.m16_66
as:  ready  16:53:34
example 4

If the selected process or processes do not have any sockets attached, they just print out without any associated socket information. Note that in this example, I have not suppressed the meters and TCB data, they do not print because there is nothing there to print.

get_process_sockets osl_server                                                  
OpenVOS Release 17.0.1bm, analyze_system Release 17.0.1bm
Current process is 169, ptep 97E16A80, Noah_Davids.CAC
as:  as:
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 56, ptep 97AE0000, Overseer.System (osl_server1)
as:  as:
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 57, ptep 97AE1000, Overseer.System (osl_server2)
as:  as:
as:  **************************************************
as:  **************************************************
as:  Using nonrunning process.
Current process is 58, ptep 97B46580, Overseer.System (osl_server3)
as:  as:  ready  17:08:00
example 5

This final example shows how to select every process and dump the associated sockets meters and TCB data. The key is matching on the system number. The output from the analyze_system who request includes the PID which is made up, in part, of the system number and module number. By matching on the system number (in hex) you are guaranteed to match every process. Processes without sockets attached just print as explained in the previous example. Like the first example, I have used start_process to redirect the output to a file. In this case the output is 229 blocks long. This is on a system with only 32 attached sockets.

start_process 'get_process_sockets 55' -output_path gps_sshd.(date).(time).out -
ready  17:11:00
ls gps*

Files: 1, Blocks: 229

w        229  gps_sshd.09-11-29.17:01:23.out

ready  17:11:43

example 6

& begins here                                            
& version 1.0 09-11-19
& version 1.1 10-11-26 Added disclaimer
& This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR ANY
& applies, despite any verbal representations of any kind provided by the
& author or anyone else.
 NAME  match:string
 METERS switch (-meters),=1
 DUMP_TCB switch (-tcb),=1
 PROCNUM option (-process),number=0
&if (process_type) = 'batch' &then &do
set_ready -format off
&echo no_command_lines no_macro_lines no_input_lines
&set_string PROCS (process_dir)>procs
&set_string LPA (process_dir)>lpa
&set_string DP (process_dir)>dp
&set_string TCB (process_dir)>tcb
&if (length X&NAME&X) = 2 & &PROCNUM& = 0 &then &goto NO_ID
&if (length X&NAME&X) > 2 & &PROCNUM& > 0 &then &goto TOO_MANY_IDS
&if &PROCNUM& = 0
&then &do
..attach_default_output &PROCS&
match &NAME&; who
&if &PROCNUM& = 0
&then &do
&set_string PROCESS &+
     (translate (contents &PROCS& &LINE_PROCS& -hold) _{} ' ()')
&if (length &PROCESS&) = 5 &then &goto DONE_PROCS
&if (length &PROCESS&) = 10 &then &goto NO_PROCS
&set_string PROCESS (translate &PROCESS& _ *)
&if &LINE_PROCS& = 1
&then &do
&set_string PROCESS (translate (substr &PROCESS& 6 6) (byte 32) _)
&else &do
&set_string PROCESS (translate (substr &PROCESS& 1 6) (byte 32) _)
&else &do
&if &LINE_PROCS& > 1 &then &goto DONE_PROCS
..display_line **************************************************
..display_line **************************************************
process &PROCESS&
..attach_default_output &LPA&
match ' at ' -or '#stcp'; list_port_attachments
&set LINE_LPA 1
&set_string PORTE XXX
&label AGAIN_LPA
&set_string TEXT (translate (contents &LPA& &LINE_LPA& -hold) - (byte 32))
&if (end_of_file &LPA&) = 1 &then &goto DONE_LPA
&if (index &TEXT& '#stcp') > 0
&then &do
&set_string PORTE (substr &PORTE& (calc (index &PORTE& 'PORT-') + 5))
&set_string PORTE (substr &PORTE& 1 (calc (index &PORTE& '-at-') - 1))
..attach_default_output &DP&
dump_porte -number &PORTE&
..display &DP& -output_path &TCB& -no_header -match 'STCP TCB @ '
&set_string ATCB (substr (contents &TCB& 1) 28 8)
..display_line ==================================================
..display_line ==================================================
..display_line PORTE number &PORTE& (translate &TEXT& (byte 32) - )
&if &METERS& &then stcp_meters &ATCB& -all -long
&if &DUMP_TCB& &then dump_onetcb &ATCB&
&else &do
&set_string PORTE &TEXT&
&set LINE_LPA (calc &LINE_LPA& + 1)
&label DONE_LPA
&set TEXT (contents &LPA& 1 -close)
&set LINE_PROCS (calc &LINE_PROCS& + 1)
&label NO_PROCS
..display_line **************************************************
..display_line **************************************************
..display_line The name &NAME& matched no running processes
..display_line **************************************************
..display_line **************************************************
&set TEXT (contents &PROCS& 1 -close)
&label NO_ID
display_line ****************************************************************
display_line ****************************************************************
display_line You must suppliy either a string to match on or a process number
display_line ****************************************************************
display_line ****************************************************************
display_line ****************************************************************
display_line ****************************************************************  
display_line You must suppliy either a string to match on or a process number
display_line but not both          
display_line ****************************************************************
display_line ****************************************************************
& ends here
Blue Bar separator
This page was last modified on 10-11-26
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