A Perl script to calculate delta values between multiple sets of numbers

Blue Bar separator

This Perl script calculates the delta values between 2 or more sets of numbers contained in a file. Each set of numbers must have the same number of lines and begin with some unique string that appears nowhere else in the file except at the beginning of the set. The numerical values may be in decimal or hexadecimal formats but all values must be in the same format. Each line in the set can contain multiple numbers and the numbers can be separated by non-numbers, i.e. labels. The output can be in 3 formats, comparison (showing current, previous and delta lines(figure 2)), deltas only (figure 3) or in a comma separated values format suitable for input into a spreadsheet (figure 4).


perl delta.pl -inputFile PATH -uniqueString STRING -numberLines NUMBER [-csvFormat] [-deltasOnly] [-hex] [-separator] [-outputFile PATH] [-loose]

-inputFile PATH | -i PATH
The path of the input file containing the sets of numbers

-uniqueString STRING | -u STRING
A unique string that identifies the start of the number set. The string may appear anywhere within a line and the line containing string is not considered part of the set. Matching for the string is case sensitive.

-numberLines NUMBER | -n NUMBER
The number of lines that are in the number set.

-csvFormat | -c
Indicates that output should be in comma separated values (csv) format, suitable for input into a spreadsheet. See figure 4, figure 5, figure 9, and figure 14.

-deltasOnly | -d
Indicates that output should include only the delta line. See figure 3 and figure 8.

-hex | -h
Indicates that all numbers will be treated as hexadecimal. See figure 15

-separator | -s Indicates that the lines containing the unique string should be added to the block of separator lines that separate the data sets when printed. This is useful if the lines contains a date/time stamp or something else that uniquely identifies the data set. The format is line at the start of set 2 dash line at the start of set 1. See figure 17.

-outputFile PATH | -o PATH
The path of the output file. If the file already exists it is overwritten. See figure 5.

-loose | -l
Indicates that labels to not have to match exactly. See figure 12 and figure 13.

1. Arguments can be in any order.

2. If no output path is indicated output will go to standard output.

Tested with

MS Windows: ActiveState Perl build 1004 [287188] build Sept 3, 2008, version v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread.
Linux/Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx released April 2010: Perl version v5.10.1 (*) build for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi.
Stratus OpenVOS 17.0.2ah: Perl version v5.8.0 built for i686-vos.
Linux/Ubuntu 15.10 - perl5 (revision 5 version 20 subversion 2)


This first example is taken from a MS Windows system. I used the netstat-statistics.vbs script to generate the statistics. To reduce the size of the example I have deleted everything but the "TCP Statistics for IPv4" portion of the command's output.

================== 2010-10-25 4:15:39 PM - CORP\PARADISEVALLEY==================

TCP Statistics for IPv4

  Active Opens                        = 4583
  Passive Opens                       = 50
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 1824
  Reset Connections                   = 1194
  Current Connections                 = 16
  Segments Received                   = 174607
  Segments Sent                       = 116376
  Segments Retransmitted              = 25737

================== 2010-10-25 4:16:39 PM - CORP\PARADISEVALLEY==================

TCP Statistics for IPv4

  Active Opens                        = 4583
  Passive Opens                       = 50
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 1824
  Reset Connections                   = 1194
  Current Connections                 = 15
  Segments Received                   = 174620
  Segments Sent                       = 116387
  Segments Retransmitted              = 25740
================== 2010-10-25 4:17:40 PM - CORP\PARADISEVALLEY==================

TCP Statistics for IPv4

  Active Opens                        = 4586
  Passive Opens                       = 50
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 1824
  Reset Connections                   = 1196
  Current Connections                 = 15
  Segments Received                   = 174657
  Segments Sent                       = 116422
  Segments Retransmitted              = 25749

================== 2010-10-25 4:18:40 PM - CORP\PARADISEVALLEY==================

TCP Statistics for IPv4

  Active Opens                        = 4589
  Passive Opens                       = 50
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 1824
  Reset Connections                   = 1197
  Current Connections                 = 17
  Segments Received                   = 174733
  Segments Sent                       = 116485
  Segments Retransmitted              = 25751

================== 2010-10-25 4:19:40 PM - CORP\PARADISEVALLEY==================

TCP Statistics for IPv4

  Active Opens                        = 4591
  Passive Opens                       = 50
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 1824
  Reset Connections                   = 1198
  Current Connections                 = 18
  Segments Received                   = 175094
  Segments Sent                       = 116712
  Segments Retransmitted              = 25757

================== 2010-10-25 4:20:41 PM - CORP\PARADISEVALLEY==================

TCP Statistics for IPv4

  Active Opens                        = 4595
  Passive Opens                       = 50
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 1824
  Reset Connections                   = 1202
  Current Connections                 = 18
  Segments Received                   = 175248
  Segments Sent                       = 116821
  Segments Retransmitted              = 25768
Figure 1 - MS Windows raw data

Again, in the interest of keeping these examples small I will only look at the segments sent, received and retransmitted. To do this I start the data set following the line containing the word "Current" and go for only 3 lines. The following figure shows the comparison output format. Each set of output includes the line from the current set of data, the previous set and the delta between any numbers of the line. Each number is right justified in a 15 character field, this allows large numbers and small differences to line up nicely but does produce a jagged display when the numbers are to the left of the labels.

L:\>perl delta.pl -i netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -u Current -n 3
perl delta.pl -inputFile netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -uniqueString Current
 -numberLines 3

Segments Received =           174620
Segments Received =           174607
Segments Received =               13

Segments Sent =           116387
Segments Sent =           116376
Segments Sent =               11

Segments Retransmitted =            25740
Segments Retransmitted =            25737
Segments Retransmitted =                3


Segments Received =           174657
Segments Received =           174620
Segments Received =               37

Segments Sent =           116422
Segments Sent =           116387
Segments Sent =               35

Segments Retransmitted =            25749
Segments Retransmitted =            25740
Segments Retransmitted =                9


Segments Received =           174733
Segments Received =           174657
Segments Received =               76

Segments Sent =           116485
Segments Sent =           116422
Segments Sent =               63

Segments Retransmitted =            25751
Segments Retransmitted =            25749
Segments Retransmitted =                2


Segments Received =           175094
Segments Received =           174733
Segments Received =              361

Segments Sent =           116712
Segments Sent =           116485
Segments Sent =              227

Segments Retransmitted =            25757
Segments Retransmitted =            25751
Segments Retransmitted =                6


Segments Received =           175248
Segments Received =           175094
Segments Received =              154

Segments Sent =           116821
Segments Sent =           116712
Segments Sent =              109

Segments Retransmitted =            25768
Segments Retransmitted =            25757
Segments Retransmitted =               11


Figure 2 - comparison output format showing the input lines and delta values

Adding the -d (deltasOnly) suppresses the lines from the data sets and leaves only the delta lines.

L:\>perl delta.pl -i netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -u Current -n 3 -d
perl delta.pl -inputFile netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -uniqueString Current
 -numberLines 3  -deltasOnly

Segments Received =               13
Segments Sent =               11
Segments Retransmitted =                3


Segments Received =               37
Segments Sent =               35
Segments Retransmitted =                9


Segments Received =               76
Segments Sent =               63
Segments Retransmitted =                2


Segments Received =              361
Segments Sent =              227
Segments Retransmitted =                6


Segments Received =              154
Segments Sent =              109
Segments Retransmitted =               11


Figure 3 - Deltas Only output format

Finally the -c (cvsFormat) generates something that you pull into a spreadsheet.

L:\>perl delta.pl -i netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -u Current -n 3 -c
perl delta.pl -inputFile netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -uniqueString Current
 -numberLines 3  -csvFormat

Segments Received = , Segments Sent = , Segments Retransmitted = ,
13, 11, 3,
37, 35, 9,
76, 63, 2,
361, 227, 6,
154, 109, 11,

Figure 4 - CSV (comma separated values) output format

Typically you would also use the -o argument to send the output to a file. Note that the line repeating the command line with all arguments is not part of the output file.

L:\>perl delta.pl -i netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -u Current -n 3 -c -o sta
perl delta.pl -inputFile netstat-statistics.2010-10-25.txt -uniqueString Current
 -numberLines 3  -csvFormat -outputFile stats.csv

L:\>type stats.csv
Segments Received = , Segments Sent = , Segments Retransmitted = ,
13, 11, 3,
37, 35, 9,
76, 63, 2,
361, 227, 6,
154, 109, 11,

Figure 5 - Creating a CSV formated file

These next examples are from the Ubuntu system. The output was generated by repeated execution of the "netstat -s" command. Again, in the interest of saving space I deleted everything but the "Ip" section of output.

netstat -s                                                                      
    75065 total packets received
    2089 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    72973 incoming packets delivered
    4239 requests sent out
    64 dropped because of missing route
netstat -s
    75273 total packets received
    2101 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    73169 incoming packets delivered
    4258 requests sent out
    64 dropped because of missing route
netstat -s
    75497 total packets received
    2113 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    73381 incoming packets delivered
    4259 requests sent out
    64 dropped because of missing route
netstat -s
    75699 total packets received
    2125 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    73571 incoming packets delivered
    4265 requests sent out
    64 dropped because of missing route
netstat -s
    75914 total packets received
    2137 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    73774 incoming packets delivered
    4265 requests sent out
    64 dropped because of missing route
netstat -s
    76150 total packets received
    2149 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    73998 incoming packets delivered
    4269 requests sent out
    64 dropped because of missing route
Figure 6 - Ubuntu Linux raw data

Since the Ubuntu format has the numbers to the left of the labels everything aligns nicely. Also this shows an example of a line "Ip:" which does not include any numbers. These "labels only" lines appear only once in the comparison and deltas only output formats and not at all in the CSV format.

noah@noah-desktop:~/Desktop/delta$ perl delta.pl -i 10-10-25 -u netstat -n 5    
perl delta.pl -inputFile 10-10-25 -uniqueString netstat -numberLines 5


          75273 total packets received  
          75065 total packets received  
            208 total packets received  

           2101 with invalid addresses  
           2089 with invalid addresses  
             12 with invalid addresses  

              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  

              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  



          75497 total packets received  
          75273 total packets received  
            224 total packets received  

           2113 with invalid addresses  
           2101 with invalid addresses  
             12 with invalid addresses  

              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  

              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  



          75699 total packets received  
          75497 total packets received  
            202 total packets received  

           2125 with invalid addresses  
           2113 with invalid addresses  
             12 with invalid addresses  

              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  

              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  



          75914 total packets received  
          75699 total packets received  
            215 total packets received  

           2137 with invalid addresses  
           2125 with invalid addresses  
             12 with invalid addresses  

              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  

              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  



          76150 total packets received  
          75914 total packets received  
            236 total packets received  

           2149 with invalid addresses  
           2137 with invalid addresses  
             12 with invalid addresses  

              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  
              0 forwarded  

              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  

Figure 7 - comparison output format

noah@noah-desktop:~/Desktop/delta$ perl delta.pl -i 10-10-25 -u netstat -n 5 -d
perl delta.pl -inputFile 10-10-25 -uniqueString netstat -numberLines 5  -deltasO

            208 total packets received  
             12 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  


            224 total packets received  
             12 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  


            202 total packets received  
             12 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  


            215 total packets received  
             12 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  


            236 total packets received  
             12 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  

Figure 8 - Deltas Only output format

noah@noah-desktop:~/Desktop/delta$ perl delta.pl -i 10-10-25 -u netstat -n 5 -c
perl delta.pl -inputFile 10-10-25 -uniqueString netstat -numberLines 5  -csvForm

total packets received , with invalid addresses , forwarded , incoming packets d
iscarded , 
208, 12, 0, 0, 
224, 12, 0, 0, 
202, 12, 0, 0, 
215, 12, 0, 0, 
236, 12, 0, 0, 
Figure 9 - CSV output format

Finally, these last examples are from the Stratus OpenVOS system. The raw data are the first few lines of output from the stcp_meters analyze_system request.

as:  stcp_meters -all -long                                                     

stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                1008:29:49    10-09-22 13:22:30
  STCP Version 4 loaded  10-08-11 12:52:41
  Metering time:   1008:29:49

   segments received                    3488882128 (avg 960.96/sec)
     total bytes                     4385455957358 (avg 1207918.59/sec)
       using fast mode               4360099101066 (99.4% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received         1665540 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received           15672580 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                14204065 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
as:  stcp_meters -all -long

stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                1008:44:49    10-09-22 13:37:30
  STCP Version 4 loaded  10-08-11 12:52:41
  Metering time:   1008:44:49

   segments received                    3488882934 (avg 960.73/sec)
     total bytes                     4385455998608 (avg 1207619.24/sec)
       using fast mode               4360099142316 (99.4% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received         1665540 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received           15672580 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                14204065 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
as:  stcp_meters -all -long

stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                1008:59:49    10-09-22 13:52:30
  STCP Version 4 loaded  10-08-11 12:52:41
  Metering time:   1008:59:49

   segments received                    3488883774 (avg 960.49/sec)
     total bytes                     4385456041150 (avg 1207320.04/sec)
       using fast mode               4360099184858 (99.4% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received         1665540 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received           15672580 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                14204067 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
as:  stcp_meters -all -long

stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                1009:14:50    10-09-22 14:07:31
  STCP Version 4 loaded  10-08-11 12:52:41
  Metering time:   1009:14:50

   segments received                    3488884556 (avg 960.25/sec)
     total bytes                     4385456081488 (avg 1207020.65/sec)
       using fast mode               4360099225196 (99.4% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received         1665540 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received           15672580 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                14204067 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
as:  stcp_meters -all -long

stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                1009:29:50    10-09-22 14:22:31
  STCP Version 4 loaded  10-08-11 12:52:41
  Metering time:   1009:29:50

   segments received                    3488885376 (avg 960.01/sec)
     total bytes                     4385456123270 (avg 1206721.75/sec)
       using fast mode               4360099266978 (99.4% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received         1665540 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received           15672580 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                14204068 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
as:  stcp_meters -all -long

stcp_meters   %phx_vos#m16                1009:44:50    10-09-22 14:37:31
  STCP Version 4 loaded  10-08-11 12:52:41
  Metering time:   1009:44:50

   segments received                    3488886274 (avg 959.77/sec)
     total bytes                     4385456168016 (avg 1206422.99/sec)
       using fast mode               4360099311724 (99.4% of total bytes)
     flow controlled when received         1665540 (0% of segments rcvd)
     data pending when received           15672580 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
     received out of order                14204068 (0.4% of segments rcvd)
as:  stcp_meters -all -long
Figure 10 - Stratus VOS raw data

As you can see from the raw data each line of the data set includes 2 numbers one of which is not an integer.

perl delta.pl -i meters -u Metering -n 5
perl delta.pl -inputFile meters -uniqueString Metering -numberLines 5

segments received       3488882934 avg           960.73 sec
segments received       3488882128 avg           960.96 sec
segments received              806 avg            -0.23 sec

total bytes    4385455998608 avg       1207619.24 sec
total bytes    4385455957358 avg       1207918.59 sec
total bytes            41250 avg          -299.35 sec

using fast mode    4360099142316            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099101066            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            41250             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


segments received       3488883774 avg           960.49 sec
segments received       3488882934 avg           960.73 sec
segments received              840 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456041150 avg       1207320.04 sec
total bytes    4385455998608 avg       1207619.24 sec
total bytes            42542 avg          -299.20 sec

using fast mode    4360099184858            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099142316            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            42542             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


segments received       3488884556 avg           960.25 sec
segments received       3488883774 avg           960.49 sec
segments received              782 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456081488 avg       1207020.65 sec
total bytes    4385456041150 avg       1207320.04 sec
total bytes            40338 avg          -299.39 sec

using fast mode    4360099225196            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099184858            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            40338             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


segments received       3488885376 avg           960.01 sec
segments received       3488884556 avg           960.25 sec
segments received              820 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456123270 avg       1206721.75 sec
total bytes    4385456081488 avg       1207020.65 sec
total bytes            41782 avg          -298.90 sec

using fast mode    4360099266978            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099225196            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            41782             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


segments received       3488886274 avg           959.77 sec
segments received       3488885376 avg           960.01 sec
segments received              898 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456168016 avg       1206422.99 sec
total bytes    4385456123270 avg       1206721.75 sec
total bytes            44746 avg          -298.76 sec

using fast mode    4360099311724            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099266978            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            44746             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


ready  15:17:30

Figure 11 - 2 columns of numbers and non-integer numbers

By default corresponding labels between data sets must match exactly. This helps catch instances when for some reason the data set changes. However, in some instances, for example a time label, the different values do not indicate a problem. The -loose argument can be used to override the default action which is to report the discrepancy and stop. Note that "***" on the "Metering time" line. this is an indication that the label does not match the label in the previous data set.

perl delta.pl -i meters -u Version -n 6   
perl delta.pl -inputFile meters -uniqueString Version -numberLines 6

[Metering time: 1008:44:49 ] and [Metering time: 1008:29:49 ] do not match at in
+dex 0
ready  15:35:20
Figure 12 - Program termination because the labels do not match

perl delta.pl -i meters -u Version -n 6 -l
perl delta.pl -inputFile meters -uniqueString Version -numberLines 6  -loose

****Metering time: 1008:44:49 ***

segments received       3488882934 avg           960.73 sec
segments received       3488882128 avg           960.96 sec
segments received              806 avg            -0.23 sec

total bytes    4385455998608 avg       1207619.24 sec
total bytes    4385455957358 avg       1207918.59 sec
total bytes            41250 avg          -299.35 sec

using fast mode    4360099142316            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099101066            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            41250             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


****Metering time: 1008:59:49 ***

segments received       3488883774 avg           960.49 sec
segments received       3488882934 avg           960.73 sec
segments received              840 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456041150 avg       1207320.04 sec
total bytes    4385455998608 avg       1207619.24 sec
total bytes            42542 avg          -299.20 sec

using fast mode    4360099184858            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099142316            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            42542             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


****Metering time: 1009:14:50 ***

segments received       3488884556 avg           960.25 sec
segments received       3488883774 avg           960.49 sec
segments received              782 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456081488 avg       1207020.65 sec
total bytes    4385456041150 avg       1207320.04 sec
total bytes            40338 avg          -299.39 sec

using fast mode    4360099225196            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099184858            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            40338             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


****Metering time: 1009:29:50 ***

segments received       3488885376 avg           960.01 sec
segments received       3488884556 avg           960.25 sec
segments received              820 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456123270 avg       1206721.75 sec
total bytes    4385456081488 avg       1207020.65 sec
total bytes            41782 avg          -298.90 sec

using fast mode    4360099266978            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099225196            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            41782             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


****Metering time: 1009:44:50 ***

segments received       3488886274 avg           959.77 sec
segments received       3488885376 avg           960.01 sec
segments received              898 avg            -0.24 sec

total bytes    4385456168016 avg       1206422.99 sec
total bytes    4385456123270 avg       1206721.75 sec
total bytes            44746 avg          -298.76 sec

using fast mode    4360099311724            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode    4360099266978            99.4 of total bytes
using fast mode            44746             0.0 of total bytes

flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received          1665540               0 of segments rcvd
flow controlled when received                0               0 of segments rcvd


ready  15:35:44
Figure 13 - Using the -loose argument to ignore label differences

This example shows how the header row for the two columns are constructed when the CSV format is used. The first two lines have the format "label number label number label". For these lines the label to the left of the number is used and the final label is ignored. The second two lines have the format "label number number label". For these two lines the label to the left of the first number and to the right of the second number are used. In the event that there are more numbers then labels on the line a underscore character is used as a place holder.

perl delta.pl -i meters -u Metering -n 5 -c
perl delta.pl -inputFile meters -uniqueString Metering -numberLines 5  -csvForma

segments received , avg , total bytes , avg , using fast mode , of total bytes ,
+ flow controlled when received , of segments rcvd ,
806, -0.23, 41250, -299.35, 41250, 0.0, 0, 0,
840, -0.24, 42542, -299.20, 42542, 0.0, 0, 0,
782, -0.24, 40338, -299.39, 40338, 0.0, 0, 0,
820, -0.24, 41782, -298.90, 41782, 0.0, 0, 0,
898, -0.24, 44746, -298.76, 44746, 0.0, 0, 0,
ready  18:01:08
Figure 14 - CSV format derived from multi-number lines

This example shows the comparison output when dealing with a set of numbers displayed in hex. Again note that the delta values are always displayed in decimal.

perl delta.pl -i mib_stats -u mib -n 6 -h                                       
perl delta.pl -inputFile mib_stats -uniqueString mib -numberLines 6  -hex

version =                1
version =                1
version =                0

index =         00000011
index =         00000011
index =                0

Rx octets received =         581D1F2E
Rx octets received =         5812C4A5
Rx octets received =           678537

Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA230D1
Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA22E30
Rx unicast packets delivered =              673

Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         012688DF
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         01266C07
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =             7384


version =                1
version =                1
version =                0

index =         00000011
index =         00000011
index =                0

Rx octets received =         58256D06
Rx octets received =         581D1F2E
Rx octets received =           544216

Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA23374
Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA230D1
Rx unicast packets delivered =              675

Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126A016
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         012688DF
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =             5943


version =                1
version =                1
version =                0

index =         00000011
index =         00000011
index =                0

Rx octets received =         582BA692
Rx octets received =         58256D06
Rx octets received =           407948

Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA23614
Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA23374
Rx unicast packets delivered =              672

Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126B20D
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126A016
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =             4599


version =                1
version =                1
version =                0

index =         00000011
index =         00000011
index =                0

Rx octets received =         583206E3
Rx octets received =         582BA692
Rx octets received =           417873

Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA238B5
Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA23614
Rx unicast packets delivered =              673

Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126C439
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126B20D
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =             4652


version =                1
version =                1
version =                0

index =         00000011
index =         00000011
index =                0

Rx octets received =         5838189B
Rx octets received =         583206E3
Rx octets received =           397752

Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA23B55
Rx unicast packets delivered =         4BA238B5
Rx unicast packets delivered =              672

Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126D5E3
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =         0126C439
Rx broadcasts multicast packets =             4522


ready  17:56:12
Figure 15 - dealing with hexadecimal numbers

This example shows the use of the -separator argument. Note that the string at the start of the data set a time stamp.

Sat Mar 26 06:41:52 MST 2016                                                   
    2508 total packets received
    2 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    2506 incoming packets delivered
    2125 requests sent out
Sat Mar 26 06:41:57 MST 2016
    2539 total packets received
    2 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    2537 incoming packets delivered
    2156 requests sent out
Sat Mar 26 06:42:02 MST 2016
    2541 total packets received
    2 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    2539 incoming packets delivered
    2158 requests sent out
Sat Mar 26 06:42:07 MST 2016
    4304 total packets received
    2 with invalid addresses
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    4302 incoming packets delivered
    5556 requests sent out
Figure 16 - Example data set with time stamp as part of the unique string

$ perl delta.pl -in ip_stats.txt -un "MST 2016" -nu 8 -d -s
perl delta.pl -inputFile ip_stats.txt -uniqueString MST 2016 -numberLines 8    
-deltasOnly -separator

             31 total packets received  
              0 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
             31 incoming packets delivered  
             31 requests sent out  

  Sat Mar 26 06:41:57 MST 2016 - Sat Mar 26 06:41:52 MST 2016

              2 total packets received  
              0 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
              2 incoming packets delivered  
              2 requests sent out  

  Sat Mar 26 06:42:02 MST 2016 - Sat Mar 26 06:41:57 MST 2016

           1763 total packets received  
              0 with invalid addresses  
              0 forwarded  
              0 incoming packets discarded  
           1763 incoming packets delivered  
           3398 requests sent out  

  Sat Mar 26 06:42:07 MST 2016 - Sat Mar 26 06:42:02 MST 2016
Figure 17 - Example use of the -separator argument


# delta.pl begins here
# Version 1.00 10-11-07
# Version 1.10 10-11-26 Added disclaimer
# Version 1.20 16-03-26 Added "include separator line" argument
# noah@noahdavids.org
# See http://noahdavids.org/self_published/delta.html for documentation
# This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR ANY
# applies, despite any verbal representations of any kind provided by the
# author or anyone else.
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

my ($result);
my ($uniqueString, $uniqueStringLine1, $ uniqueStringLine2, $uniqueStringLineLen);
my ($numberLines, $csvFormat, $deltasOnly, $hexNumbers,
    $looseMatch, $includeSeparator, $inputFile, $outputFile);
my ($message);
my (@set, @set1, @maxIndex, @numberCount, $headerCount, $a, $i, $j, $k, $mi,
    $nc, $numCount);
my ($temp, $temp1, $temp2);
my ($spaces);
my ($decimalDigits, $formatString);
my ($x);

my ($decmatch, $hexmatch, $match);
$decmatch = "^\[+-\]\?\[0-9\]\*\\\.\?\[0-9\]\*\$";
$hexmatch = "^\[+-\]\?\[a-fA-F0-9\]\*\\\.\?\[a-fA-F0-9\]\*\$";

sub printIt
#    If the value to be printed is a number and we are not doing CSV format
#   justify the number to 15 places. If it is not a number just print it, if
#   its a number but we are doing CSV format just print it. I figure most
#   number fields will be smaller than 15 places and this will right justify
#   large numbers and possibly small differences. It works fine when all the
#   numbers come first. When numbers come last or in the middle you can end up
#   with a jagged column of numbers when the labels are different lengths. You
#   can't have everything.
     if ($_[0] =~ /$match/)
        if (!defined ($csvFormat))
          $temp = 15 - length ($_[0]);
          if ($temp > 0) { print $OUTFILE substr ($spaces, 1, $temp) ; }
        print $OUTFILE $_[0];
    else { print $OUTFILE $_[0]; }

sub parseLine
my (@aLine);
my ($a, $i, $k, $lastWasLabel);

    $_ = <$INFILE>;
#   Split the line up into tokens. Delimiters are any amount of white
#   space (\s+) also the characters / (as in N/sec), % as in (N.M%) and
#   ( and ) as in (N). Unfortunately, this elimiates the single characters
#   from the labels but I figure it is better to have the delta calculated
#   rather than treat the field as a label and just display it.
    @aLine = split(/\s+|\/|\%|\(|\)/);
    $a = @aLine;
    $i = -1;
    $set[0] = "";
    $lastWasLabel = 0;
    $nc = 0;
    for ($k = 0; $k < $a; $k++)
               if (length ($aLine[$k]) > 0)
                  if (!($aLine[$k] =~ /$match/))
#                 If we are currently looking at a label (not a number) and
#                 if the last thing we looked at was not a label increment
#                 the count and copy the label. If the last thing we looked
#                 at was a label append the current label onto the last label.
                    if (!$lastWasLabel) { $i++ ; $set[$i] = ""; }
                    $set [$i] = $set [$i] . $aLine[$k] . " ";
                    $lastWasLabel = 1;
#                 We are looking at a number, increment the count, copy
#                 the number and increment the number count (nc)
                    $set [$i] = $aLine[$k];
                    $lastWasLabel = 0;
        } # for ($k = 0; $k < $a; $k++)
#   Increment the maximum index (mi) for this row.
    $mi = $i + 1;
} # end of parseLine

$spaces = "                     ";

$result = GetOptions ('uniqueString=s'    => \$uniqueString,
                      'numberLines=s'     => \$numberLines,
                      'csvFormat'         => \$csvFormat,
                      'deltasOnly'        => \$deltasOnly,
                      'hex'               => \$hexNumbers,
                      'loose'             => \$looseMatch,
                      'separator'         => \$includeSeparator,
                      'inputFile=s'       => \$inputFile,
                      'outputFile=s'      => \$outputFile);

# There are 3 required arguments, the input file, the unique string and the
# number ofd lines in the data set. If those arguments aren't supplied print
# a usage message and exit
if (!(($result == 1) && (defined($inputFile) && defined($uniqueString) &&
   print "\n\nUsage:\n";
   print "\tperl delta.pl -inputFile PATH -uniqueString STRING -numberLines" .
                          " NUMBER [-csvFormat] [-deltasOnly] [-hex]" .
                          " [separator] [-outputFile PATH] [-loose]\n\n";

# Build a message with all the optional arguments tha were provided. Print
# out the command line and 3 required arguments along with the optional
# argument message. I like to see what arguments the command was called with.
$message = " ";
if (defined($deltasOnly))       { $message = $message . " -deltasOnly"; }
if (defined($csvFormat))        { $message = $message . " -csvFormat"; }
if (defined($hexNumbers))       { $message = $message . " -hex"; }
if (defined($looseMatch))       { $message = $message . " -loose"; }
if (defined($includeSeparator)) { $message = $message . " -separator"; }
if (defined($outputFile))       { $message = $message . " -outputFile " .
                                                          $outputFile; }
$message = $message . "\n\n";

print "perl delta.pl -inputFile " . $inputFile . " -uniqueString " .
       $uniqueString . " -numberLines " . $numberLines . $message;

# Set the "number" match string to match either decimal or hexidecimal numbers
# based on whether the -hex argument was provided or not.
if (defined ($hexNumbers)) { $match = $hexmatch; }
else                       { $match = $decmatch; }

# Open the input file and if provided the output file or STDOUT if no output
# file path was provided.
open ($INFILE, $inputFile);

if (!defined($outputFile)) {open ($OUTFILE, ">&STDOUT");}
else {open ($OUTFILE, ">".$outputFile) ||
                            die "Can't open outfile " . $outputFile;}

# Search for the first instance of the unique string.
while ($_ = <$INFILE>) { if (/$uniqueString/) { last } }
if (length ($_) == 0)  { exit (0); }

# Save line that unique string is on (trim off new line)
$uniqueStringLine1 =  substr($_, 0, -1);

# Now parse the indicated number of lines building an array of fields for each
# line. Also arrays holding how many fields are in each line and how many
# fields are numbers.
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberLines; $i++)
    parseLine ();
    push @set1, [@set];
    push @maxIndex, $mi;
    push @numberCount, $nc;

# If writing a CSV formated file for import into a spreadsheet write the first
# row containing the column headers.
if (defined($csvFormat))
   for ($i = 0; $i < $numberLines; $i++)
            $a = $maxIndex [$i];
            $headerCount = 0;
            $numCount = 0;
#          If a row does not contain any numbers skip it.
            if ($numberCount [$i] > 0)
               for ($j = 0; $j < $a; $j++)
#                 If the field is not a number we probably want to print it
#                 for a column header.
                    if (!($set1[$i][$j] =~ /$match/))
#                    Just incase the label has any commas translate them to
#                    semi-colons so that it will not screw up the import into
#                    a spreadsheet using commas to delimit the fields. Keep
#                    track of how many column headers we print.
                        $temp = $set1 [$i][$j];
                        $temp =~ tr/,/;/;
                        print $OUTFILE $temp . ", ";
#                 If the current field is not a label, its a number. If the
#                 next field is also a number and the count of headers printed
#                 is less than the count of numbers seen print a place holder
#                 header (and increment the header count).
                    elsif ($j+1 < $a)
                        if ($set1[$i][$j+1] =~ /$match/)
                           if ($headerCount < $numCount)
                               print $OUTFILE "_, ";
#                 Once we have printed as many headers as there are numbers in
#                 that row stop.
                     if ($headerCount == $numberCount[$i]) { last; }
#             Make sure that we have as many column headers as there are
#             numbers in the row.
               for ($j = $headerCount; $j < $numberCount[$i]; $j++)
                   { print $OUTFILE "_, "; }
              } # if ($numberCount [$i] > 0)
       } # for ($i = 0; $i < $numberLines; $i++)
   print $OUTFILE "\n";

# One last thing. If doing CSV format we do not need previous and current
# lines printed so set the deltasOnly flag.
   $deltasOnly = 1;
   } # if (defined($csvFormat))

do {
# Search for the next instance of the uniqueu string.
   while ($_ = <$INFILE>) { if (/$uniqueString/) { last } }
   if (length ($_) == 0)  { exit (0); }

# Save line that unique string is on (trim off new line)
$uniqueStringLine2 =  substr($_, 0, -1);

   for ($i = 0; $i < $numberLines; $i++)
#      Now parse the indicated number of lines.
        parseLine ();
       $a = $maxIndex [$i];

#      If we are NOT doing just the delta lines print out the line we just
#      read followed by the previous line. For number fields this should
#      put the the larger number of top.
       if (!defined($deltasOnly))
           if ($numberCount [$i] > 0)
             print $OUTFILE "\n";
             for ($j = 0; $j < $a; $j++) { printIt ($set[$j]);
                                           print $OUTFILE " "; }
             print $OUTFILE "\n";
             for ($j = 0; $j < $a; $j++) { printIt ($set1[$i][$j]);
                                           print $OUTFILE " "; }
             print $OUTFILE "\n";

#      For each field in the line
       for ($j = 0; $j < $a; $j++)
#          If the current field is a number
            if ($set [$j] =~ /$match/)
#             And the corresponding field from the previous line is a number
#             we need to calcuate the difference.
                if ($set1[$i][$j] =~ /$match/)
#                If we are NOT doing hex just subtract the numbers. If we are
#                doing hex we convert from hex to decimal before subtracting.
#                The convertion of the numbers to start with is needed because
#                if the numbers are in hex and the values look like they are
#                decimal, i.e. 200 and 90 perl will treat them as decimal not
#                hex. NOTE that the result is always in decimal.
                    if (!defined($hexNumbers))
#                        You can't really just subtract the numbers. The
#                        problem is that if the numbers contain a decimal
#                        point Perl will give you all sorts of insignificant
#                        numbers to the right of the decimal point so you
#                        need to get rid of them. So the first thing to do
#                        is to see there are any decimal digits, if not just
#                        subtract and print.
                         if ($set [$j] - int ($set [$j]) == 0)
                            { printIt ($set [$j] - $set1[$i][$j]); }
#                        First count how many decimal digits there are
#                        in the current number, then create a format string
#                        to present that number of decimal digits and print
#                        the number generated by that string.
                            $decimalDigits =
                              length ($set [$j]) - index ($set [$j], ".") - 1;
                            $formatString = sprintf ("%%.%df", $decimalDigits);
                            printIt (sprintf
                               ($formatString, ($set [$j] - $set1[$i][$j])));
                         } # if (!defined($hexNumbers))

#                   Its hex, just convert, subtract and print
                    else { printIt (hex ($set [$j]) - hex ($set1[$i][$j])); }

#                If doing CSV format we need a comma after the number, if not
#                just print a space.
                    if (defined($csvFormat)) { print $OUTFILE ", "; }
                    else                     { print $OUTFILE " "; }
#                If the current field in the current line is a number but the
#                corresponding field in the previous set of lines is not a
#                number report an error and exit.
                    print $OUTFILE "\n\nAt index " . $j . " [" . $set [$j] .
                           "] and [" . $set1[$i][$j] . "] do not match \n";
                    exit (1);
               } # if ($set [$j] =~ /$match/)
#             We are here because the current field in the current line is
#             not a number. If the corresponding field in the previous line
#             has the same value and we are not doing CSV format just print
#             it. If the fields are not equal and the previous field is a
#             number exit with an error. If both fields are just labels and
#             looseMatch flag is not defined print an error and exit. If
#             the looseMatch flag is defined and we are not doing CSV format,
#             print it with some extra asterisks. Note that all the error
#             messages are slightly different so we can tell which condition
#             we hit.
                if ($set [$j] eq $set1[$i][$j])
                    if (!defined($csvFormat))
                       { print $OUTFILE $set[$j] . " "; }
                    if ($set1[$i][$j] =~ /$match/)
                       print $OUTFILE "\n\n<" . $set [$j] . "> and <" .
                          $set1[$i][$j] . "> do not match at index " . $j .
                       exit (1);
                   elsif (!(defined ($looseMatch)))
                       print $OUTFILE "\n\n[" . $set [$j] . "] and [" .
                          $set1[$i][$j] . "] do not match at index " . $j .
                       exit (1);
                   if (!defined($csvFormat)) { print $OUTFILE "****"  .
                             $set[$j] . "*** "; }

# Copy the current value into the "old" array
            $set1[$i][$j] = $set [$j];
           } # for ($j = 0; $j < $a; $j++)

# If doing CSV format we need to output a new line at this point.
      if (!defined($csvFormat)) { print $OUTFILE "\n"; }
      } # for ($i = 0; $i < $numberLines; $i++)

# We are at the end of a data set, if we are not doing CSV format print a set
# of separator lines, if we are doing CSV format just print a new line
   if (!defined($csvFormat))
      { $uniqueStringLineLen = length ($uniqueStringLine1) + length ($uniqueStringLine2);
        print $OUTFILE
        if (defined ($includeSeparator)) 
             for ($x = 0; $x < ((60 - $uniqueStringLineLen) / 2); $x++)
                 { print $OUTFILE " "; }
             print $OUTFILE $uniqueStringLine2 . " - " . $uniqueStringLine1 ."\n";
        print $OUTFILE
   else { print $OUTFILE "\n"; }
   $uniqueStringLine1 = $uniqueStringLine2;
   } while (1); # do {
# delta.pl ends here

Blue Bar separator
This page was last modified on 16-03-26
mailbox Send comments and suggestions
to noah@noahdavids.org