Calculating TCP throughput and why you cannot rely on Wireshark

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I have found that relying on tools like capinfos (figure 1) or the "bps" values in the TCP Conversations box in Wireshark (figure 2) to calculate the throughput of a TCP stream are unreliable.

$ capinfos | grep bit                                                         
Data bit rate:       45 Mbps
Figure 1 - Data bit rate calculated and displayed by capinfos

The "Conversations box in Wireshark reports the total number of bytes (A), the duration (B) and also the bps in each direction (C and D).

Figure 2 - The Wireshark Conversations box

If we calculate bps as A/B * 8 we get 425611524 / 74.7487 * 8 or 45,551,189 bps. If we add up C and D we get almost the same number 44200731.48 + 1350437.21 = 45,551,168.

However, if we do our own calculation by looking at the last few segments and calculating throughput based on the actual number of bytes (relative sequence and acknowledgment numbers) we get a different number.

$ tshark -r -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_relative -e tcp.seq -e tcp
.ack -e tcp.nxtseq | tail -15
447446  74.703074000    2257037   516867945  2257177
447447  74.703100000    516867945            2256897
447448  74.703176000    2257177   516867945  2257317
447449  74.703240000    2257317   516867945  2257457
447450  74.703306000    2257457   516867945  2257597
447451  74.703331000    516867945            2257177
447452  74.703331000    2257597   516867945  2257737
447453  74.703338000    516867945            2257457
447454  74.703423000    516867945            2257737
447455  74.703523000    516867945 2257737    516868065
447456  74.707328000    2257737   516868065  2257869
447457  74.707384000    2257869   516868065  2258009
447458  74.707455000    516868065            2258009
447459  74.709051000    2258009   516868065  2258141
447460  74.748734000    516868065            2258141
Figure 3 - Time, Sequence and Acknowledgment numbers from last few segments in the trace file

Looking at frame 447455 we can see that in 1 direction the last (next) sequence number is 516868065 which is ACKed in frame 447456 at time 74.707328000; so the throughput in that direction is 516868065 / 74.707328000 * 8 or 55,348,579. In the other direction we can see that in frame 447459 the last sequence number is 2258141 which is ACKed in frame 447460 at 74.748734000 for a throughput of 2258141 / 74.748734000 * 8 or 241,678. Giving a total of 55,590,257 or 22% (((55590257 - 45551189) / 45551189) * 100) larger than the capinfos or Wireshark Conversations box statistics.

If we wanted to be lazy we could have just looked at the last segment sending any data (frame 447459) and added the next sequence number with the acknowledgement number and divided by the time (((516868065 + 2258141) / 74.709051000) * 8) = 55,589,109. This isn't quite as accurate because we are basing 1 direction on an ACK number that may have been ACKed in an earlier frame. Still it is typically pretty close, in this case within 0.002% (((55590257 - 55589109) / 55590257) * 100) of the more accurate number.

So why does capinfos/Wireshark only report 45,551,168? The problem is that the trace file is not complete. There are 19,525 lost segment indications. Each indication means that at least 1 but possibly more than 1 segment is not in the trace so the bytes for those segments are not included in the calculation.

$ tshark -r -Y "tcp.analysis.lost_segment" | wc -l                            
Figure 4 - Number of lost segment indications in the trace file

The capinfos/Wireshark information may also go the other way and be larger than the actual throughput.

$ capinfos stream-38288.pcap | grep bit
Data bit rate:       10 Mbps

$ tshark -r stream-38288.pcap -Y "tcp.len > 0" -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_relative -e 
tcp.seq -e tcp.ack -e tcp.nxtseq | tail -1
frame   time since      Relative	Relative	Calculated
number  begining        Seq			Ack			Next Seq
61932   55.255709000    10277611    13551892    10277775
Figure 5 - Example of capinfos reporting a higher throughput that reality

So using the actual sequence numbers gives a throughput of 3,450,093 bps ((13551892 + 10277775) / 55.255709 * 8) versus 10 Mbps from capinfos. Why? In this case there are a great many retransmissions, Wireshark is basically counting the data twice.

$ tshark -r stream-38288.pcap -Y "tcp.analysis.retransmission" | wc -l                             
Figure 6 - Number of retransmissions in trace file

Even if there are no retransmissions or lost segments capinfos will still be wrong, or at least not correct. In this case 1387 kbps is 21% larger then the calculated 1142 kbps (((371209 + 148202) / 3.636076) * 8).

$ tshark -r -Y "tcp.analysis.retransmission||tcp.analysis.lost_segment" | wc - l

$ capinfos | grep bit
Data bit rate:       1387 kbps

$ tshark -r -Y "tcp.len > 0" -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_relative -e
 tcp.seq -e tcp.ack -e tcp.nxtseq | tail -1
1788    3.636076000     371169  148202  371209
Figure 7 - Even with a clean trace capinfos reports a larger than calculated value

In this case the difference is that capinfos/Wireshark includes the protocol overhead (well it was always including the protocol overhead). The Ethernet header is 14 bytes (if there is a VLAN ID it's 18 bytes). The standard IP header is 20 bytes. There are possible IP header options but they are not typically seen. The standard TCP header is also 20 byte but options are much more common. One of the most common options is the timestamp option which has a length of 10 bytes. The TCP stack may throw in some NOP options to make the timestamp option end of a word boundary. The TCP selective acknowledgment option will also add to the overhead. You can get the header length from tshark.

$ tshark -r -T fields -e tcp.hdr_len | sort -n | uniq -c                        
   1789 32
Figure 8 - TCP header length of segments in the trace file

So in this case all TCP segments have the same header length, 32 bytes, making the protocol overhead 14 (Ethernet header) + 20 (IP header) + 32 (TCP header) or 66 bytes. Figuring this into the throughput calculation ((371209 + 148202 + (1788*66)) / 3.636076) * 8 yields 1,402,432. Which is within 1% of the capinfos/Wireshark reported 1,387 kbps.

Also if the trace file contains more than 1 stream the capinfos information will show an aggregate "Data bit rate" and capinfos calculates the bit rate based on the duration of the entire trace, from the start of the first stream to the end of the last stream. The Conversations box will display the streams separately and bases its bit rate on the actual duration of each stream but of course includes the protocol bits and has issues with retransmitted and missing segments just described. In figure 9 you can see capinfos sees a 128 second trace with a bit rate of 6728Kbps. In figure 10 the Conversations box has 2 streams of 118 seconds each with bit rates of 414 (6150550/118.6183*8 ) and 6849Kbps (101601580/118.6702*8) for a total of 7261Kbps. While the actual throughput calculated by the segment numbers is 348Kbps and 6418Kbps for a total of 6766Kbps. In this case it appears that capinfos was pretty close but only by luck.

$ capinfos test-abc-tcp.pcap | grep -e bit -e duration                                             
Capture duration:    128 seconds
Data bit rate:       6732 kbps
Figure 9 - capinfos aggregates multiple streams

Figure 10 - The Wireshark Conversations box shows them separately

$ tshark -r test-abc-tcp-stream-0.pcap -Y "tcp.len > 0" -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_relat
ive -e tcp.seq -e tcp.ack -e tcp.nxtseq | tail -1
16845   118.572324000   5153894 8982    5154262

(((8982 + 5154262) / 118.572324000) * 8) = 348360

$ tshark -r test-abc-tcp-stream-1.pcap -Y "tcp.len > 0" -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_rel
ative -e tcp.seq -e tcp.ack -e tcp.nxtseq | tail -1
99485   118.629696000   95170145        66673   95170241

(((6673 + 95170241) / 118.629696000) * 8) = 6418420
Figure 11 - Calculating the throughput of each stream in the test-abc-tcp.pcap trace file

Finally, if the trace file contains other protocols the bits from those protocols will also be included by capinfos in its calculations. Figure 12 shows that capinfos reports a Data bit rate of 39 Mbps but as the output from the tshark command shows only 107,752,130 bytes of the capture are from TCP segments, the rest are UDP, 52,959,646 bytes and IP data, i.e IP fragments 544,365,464 bytes.

$ capinfos test-abc.pcap | grep -e bit -e duration                                                 
Capture duration:    144 seconds
Data bit rate:       39 Mbps

$ tshark -r test-abc.pcap -q -z io,phs

Protocol Hierarchy Statistics

eth                                      frames:522562 bytes:705084976
  llc                                    frames:75 bytes:5316
    stp                                  frames:73 bytes:4380
    cdp                                  frames:2 bytes:936
  loop                                   frames:14 bytes:840
    data                                 frames:14 bytes:840
  slow                                   frames:5 bytes:620
  ip                                     frames:522452 bytes:705077240
    tcp                                  frames:116332 bytes:107752130
      ssh                                frames:78097 bytes:105228604
        tcp.segments                     frames:1 bytes:450
    data                                 frames:360703 bytes:544365464
    udp                                  frames:45417 bytes:52959646
      data                               frames:45417 bytes:52959646
  lldp                                   frames:4 bytes:240
  arp                                    frames:12 bytes:720
Figure 12 - capinfos for a trace containing multiple protocols.

To be fair capinfos/Wireshark is not trying to measure just the TCP throughput but that means that if you want an accurate idea of the throughput of a TCP stream you need to calculate it using the actual sequence numbers and not rely on the summary information produced by capinfos/Wireshark.

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This page was last modified on 14-11-01
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